Who Are We?

Beacon Church is at the centre of the community of Pheasey and Park Farm estates on the edge of Birmingham, Walsall and Barr Beacon. We have been here since the estates were built and have served the people living here ever since.

We are a Christian church and part of the Church of England and Methodist churches. We have also recently welcomed into our community members of Kingsway Evangelical Church. As such, we are passionate about making sure that churches work together to share the Gospel with people living in our local community!

We believe that God loves each of us so much that we are all God’s children. We want people to know that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, became human and lived amongst us so that we might be able to experience a personal relationship with God our Father. He died on the cross so that we might be able to find forgiveness for the mistakes that we have made, and the pain that we have caused to ourselves and others, in the past. He rose from the dead so that we might understand in the depths of our hearts how loved we are, and so that we might be set free from the guilt and shame we so often feel. Through God’s Holy Spirit, Jesus offers us freedom to be the people God has created us to be in this life and hope that we will spend eternity with our Father ever after that!